チケット / Tickets

WordCamp Tokyo 2018 のご参加には、事前のチケット入手が必要です。決済方法などについて、詳しくは「チケットに関するよくあるご質問」のページをご覧ください。



For information in English, please skip to the bottom of this page.


※ Stripe 決済にてクレジットカードでの購入が可能ですが、現時点では JCB カードには対応していません。VISA/Master Card/American Express いずれかのカードでのご購入をお願いします。コンビニで購入可能な VISA プリカもお使いいただけます。
※ クーポンコードは、お持ちの場合ご入力ください。

Ticket Information

No ticket is required for the Contributor Day (Friday, September 14) but you will need to fill out this form if you’re planning to attend.

All tickets above include the Session Day admission, entrance fee & one drink at the after party on September 15th. You can purchase additional drinks, but there won’t be food at the party venue. Please grab some food before or after the party!

The after party will be at a different location from the conference. We may limit the number of admissions due to limited capacity.

  • Micro Sponsor: Call for micro sponsors is now closed. Thanks for your interest! If you feel like supporting the event and the local community, this one is for you! In addition to Session Day & after party admission, you will also receive a WordCamp Tokyo T-shirt.
  • U20: Session Day & after party ticket for those who are between 12-19 years old (ID with age is required at the registration). Children under 12 do not need any tickets.
  • General: Session Day & after party ticket (20 years or older only).